Eight am and here I sit, Anna from Calgary Seniors` Resource Society will be making a presentation on how Mailmen, Meter Readers, Taxicab Drivers and the general public can be used as connectors with in the community. A connector would identify seniors that are in some state of stress, whether it is abuse, loneliness, illness or perhaps they just need someone to do odd jobs or talk to. CSRC will organize volunteers to help!
Passengers with Disabilities explains the different types of problems some individuals have; Mobility (users with wheel chairs, crunches, canes, walkers, ambulatory passengers) Non-Mobility (users with hearing, speech, intellectual l impairment`s, mental illness, epilepsy) 12.4% of all Canadians have some degree of disability, using a taxi is idea for these individuals. (and can be great fautor for cabbies) Injuries that cause disabilities are; Arthritis, Alzheimer`s, brain injuries, Parkinson`s, stroke, Tourette`s. We also discussed what words to avoid such as; normal, deaf and dumb, cripple, handicap, crazy, nuts, physco, insane. (most of these words and definitions can be applied to a lot of cab drivers I know)
The afternoon was all about the BYLAW, I am sure this is the favored section of all instructors. They get to show off there fancy Peace Officer badge and ID. Participants should be able to have a working knowledge of BYLAW 6M2007 that governs the taxi industry in Calgary is the bi-line. We all know that every Police Officer, Bylaw Officer, DOT inspector, Sheriff or any agency that monitors professional drivers love to tag a cabbie. It`s like a feather in there cap yellow tickets and pink slips. Livery Transport Services (AKA Taxi Cop, Gestapo) in Calgary can do most the same things as a actual city cop, issue; speeding and red light tickets, arrest drivers for outstanding warrants, fine and suspend drivers and or cars. Calgary fines are crazy; invalid licence-1500.00, broken meter seal-700.00, high flagging-700.00, fail to produce required documents-700.00, interfere with a LTS inspector-1500.00 The Calgary Taxi Gestapo can select from fifty three possible infractions ranging fines from 700.00-1500.00 Be nice to the gestapos and perhaps they will play nice with you...
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