Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Taxi School Day 2

Eight am and we are ready to learn Geography and Route planning, pretty uneventful broke into groups of three. We were given a number of pick up and drop locations with in the city of Calgary. The shortest, most direct and economical route was to be selected, then presented to the rest of the class for discussion. As you might think when you have a room full of cab drivers no one could agree and well I always wanted to take the ring road for that is were one would make the most money. (driving in circles till the fare caught on) I was soon lead to understand that is not the most economical route or the shortest. hahhaha

The afternoon was much more enlightening and fun "Human Rights and Diversity" it was discussed that profiling or stereo typing will only get you in trouble. A group of pictures were projected and our first impression were to be written down for later discussion. As you can imagine each perspective driver answered some what differently and we all had a few laughs. Then were informed that it was discrimination as defined by "The Human Rights Code" The point in the Act that caught my attention was that it was not until 1998 that sexual orientation was "read in" and in 1929 women were allowed  to vote in provincial elections and considered equal to men.

Racial Profiling or Ethnic Profiling have become common since 911 and behind the wheel of a cab a common source of comedy and jokes, however this unfortunately is also discrimination. What will we ever have to talk or bitch about they take profiling away from a cabbies bag of fun. Threats, intimidation, verbal abuse, unwelcome remarks, sexually suggestive remarks or gestures are deemed "Harassment" Man even adjusting the mirror to view the pretty girls in short skirts is also harassment. What is this world coming to...

A story of a cab driver here in Calgary that drove a woman home from downtown, upon arriving at her home she explained that she had no money and would pay him the next day and gave him her phone number. Well a couple days went by and he the driver never heard from this lady for the next few days. (go figure) The driver remembered she gave her number to him and decided to phone her since he was in the area. There was no answer sitting not far from her address, as he pulled in front of the house he seen her image in the window and quickly dialed her phone again still no answer. A few more days passed and the driver tried her number again think she might now have the money to pay her fare, this time she answered and hung up so the driver drove to her home went to the door and seen her in the living room. He knocked she got up looked out the window in the door and left the hallway, The driver tried her phone again knowing she was in the house. The story never changed and he left in somewhat confusion. The next day two constables form the police department approached this driver and charged him with stalking. Apparently soon after the driver left the previous day, this lady phone the police and said the driver was stalking her. A few hours after being arrested the driver was released and no charges laid. I guess trying to get paid can also be at times considered harassment.

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Live Web Cam!

Live 24 hour web cam of downtown Canmore, perhaps you may see my red mini van taxi at the four way stop! I am sure that I pass through this intersection at least twenty times a shift