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Where`s Willy? is a free Canadian web site that allows you to enter and track the paper currency that passes through your hands. Where`s George? is the American web site and works the same as Where`s Willy? other than it tracks American currency. Perhaps you have seen a stamp or writing on a bill that says something like `Track This Bills Journey At WWW.WHERESWILLY.COM` |
Once you create a profile there are a lot of tools the assist you in tracking the serial numbers you have entered and should you find a bill that is already marked by another member and you enter it, well that is called a wild. The serial numbers and dollar amounts are recorded and stats for each bill can be accessed such as year, history of production etc. I created my profile in late April and have already entered roughly seventeen hundred bills totaling over twenty thousand dollars and have found five wilds. I encourage all drivers to make a stamp to mark your bills and then enter them in either Where`s Willy? or Where`s George?
The real pay off to this site is when you get a hit on a bill and find that it was re-entered in Riverview, NB three thousand five hundred and eighty seven kilometers from where you last touched it. True!
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