Saturday, July 24, 2010

Taxi School Day 5

Calgary Taxi School - Success !
Eight am test day ! I have never been good at doing exams, not sure why just never have. Five hundred pages in the training manual and four days of lectures boil down to EXAM DAY.
  • 50% GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (50 Multiple Choice 90 minutes)
  • 30% GEOGRAPHY (15 Multiple Choice 30 minutes / 2 marks each)
  • 10% ROUTE PLANNING (5 Written Questions 60 minutes / 2 marks each)
  • 80% PASSING GRADE  (Must Know Direction of Travel on Each Road)
That is correct passed the exam with 98% one wrong and it was the simplest question ever, no idea why I selected the answer. Plenty of hoops to go through when obtaining a taxi badge in Calgary;
  1. Class 4 license
  2. Submit Abstract (to be accepted in training program)
  3. Register for training program (wait time roughly 2 months)
  4. Complete and pass training program (80% passing grade)
  5. File criminal record check (Calgary Police Service 2 weeks for processing)
  6. Apply and receive G.S.T. tax number (become a sole proprietor business owner)
  7. Register and complete defensive driving coarse (80% passing grade)
  8. Find a Taxi Brokerage to work for (1411 cabs and 12 companies 9000 drivers)
If you were someone whom wanted to become a taxi driver in Calgary, Alberta Canada this is the hoops you would have go through. You will spend roughly one to two thousand dollars start to finish, I guess that is why they call it a career in Calgary. (remember to add in your lost wages for attending the coarse's)

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Live Web Cam!

Live 24 hour web cam of downtown Canmore, perhaps you may see my red mini van taxi at the four way stop! I am sure that I pass through this intersection at least twenty times a shift